Drums and Flutes

At Gray Wolf Trading Post, we offer a wide range of Native American musical instruments, all handcrafted by artists from various tribes. These unique pieces are crafted and accented with natural materials, blending art and tradition.

Our selection includes mother drums, two-sided drums, tom-toms, hand drums, flutes, and rattles.

Explore our online store, where you’ll find an unmatched collection of high-quality Native American products at competitive prices. Every item at Kachina House comes with a certificate of authenticity.


The round shape of the drum symbolizes the universe, with its steady beat representing the pulse, the heart, and the essence at the universe’s core. This powerful sound connects us to the mystery and energy of all things.

Drum Care

Drums are sensitive to humidity and should be stored with care. If your drum becomes too tight, place a damp towel inside for a short time to allow the rawhide to absorb moisture, then let it dry. If the drum becomes warped and the tone flattens, place it in direct sunlight or in an open oven at a low temperature to speed drying. Periodically, massage natural oil into the hide to maintain the drum’s tone.


Native American flutes are used for music, ceremonies, entertainment, courtship, and love. Navajo medicine men believe that a boy who plays the flute can become irresistible to a girl. Traditional Navajo flutes were made from sunflower stalks, but today’s flutes are crafted from a variety of materials, reflecting artistic evolution.

Jonah Thompson (Navajo) creates all of our flutes. We stock the standard Native American flute in A Minor, made of pine and available with various animal totems and in three different stains. We also offer a smaller D Minor flute, similarly crafted in pine. Our cedar flutes come in F Sharp, G Minor, and E Minor. Additionally, we carry a double-chamber (or drone) flute, which features one chamber with a constant tone like an organ, and another chamber as a standard flute in either F Sharp or A Minor. Cedar flutes, known for their richer sound, are becoming the most popular in our collection. ^

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