Native American Apache Made Burden Basket


Native American Apache Made Burden Basket
  • Apache Made
  • Carry Strap

Native American Apache Made Burden Basket

The burden basket of the Apache tribe is one of the most quickly recognized items of the material culture of the Apache people. The baskets were once made for everyday use in collecting or gathering wild foods, or to cultivate crops like corn. Large burden baskets were sometimes made for food storage. Apache burden baskets are cone-shaped, with flat or rounded bottoms. Buckskin and cone jingles made of tin are added to enhance the basket. Nearly all baskets will have a buckskin carry strap, which was once worn around the forehead or shoulders. As the baskets were carried the tin cones would jingle and scare off snakes. Small baskets were given to children and the jingling alerted parents to where the children were. It is said that these are hung outside a home and visitors are to place their burdens in the basket before entering the home. The saying “leave your burdens at the door” originated with these baskets. The baskets are a symbol of pride for the Apache people.

Dimensions: 19 inches diameter x 12.5 inches deep. The fringe hangs approx. 18 inches below the bottom of the basket
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